Account Information

How to Access

From the sidebar click on the Account Settings option.

Then click on Update Account, this will take you to a page where your account details will be visible.

You can change your Password and User Information on this page

Account Settings
Change your Password

To change your password go to the Account Information page and then look for the section that says Change Your Password.

Enter your current password, and then the password you want to change it to.

Confirm your new password and then click the Update button.

Account Settings
Update your Information

To update your user information go to the Account Information page and then look for the section that says User Information.

All of the fields in this section can be edited, so save the changes click the Update button.

Account Settings


How to access

From the sidebar click on the Tools option,

Then click on Flowcharts, this will take you to a page where all of your charts will be visible

On this page flowcharts that you have access to will be broken down into three categories

  1. My Charts - These are charts that you have created
  2. Editable Charts - These are charts that have been shared with you, and that you are able to edit
  3. Viewable Charts - These are charts that have been shared with you, that that you cannot edit.
How to create

To create a new Flowchart click on the Create New Chart button at the top of the page.

When prompted enter the name of the chart you want to create and then click Confirm

Your new chart will be created and added to the My Charts section.

Alternatively, you can also copy an existing chart by clicking on the Copy button,
then entering a new name for your chart

How to edit
Adding Nodes

To add a node to a flowchart, double-click on the chart background and a new node will be added.

Moving Nodes

To move a node, hover over the node, then click and drag from the icon

Editing Nodes

To edit a node, however over it and click it.

You will be shown a pop-up with all the information contained in the chart node.

To edit the node title, click on the text in the title area and simply type.

To edit the node description click on the description area and again simply type what you want to add.

You can upload files to nodes by clicking on the Upload a new file button or the + icon in the upload area.
Click the Choose a file button then select the file you want to upload, then click Submit and your file will be uploaded and attached to the node

Adding lists to Nodes

To add a tracking list to your node click on the Add List button

Enter the name of the list and then clickCreate List

The list will be created

To add an item to the list click Add Item enter the item into the text box and click Save

To Check an Item off simple click the box on the left, to delete an item click the icon on the right.

Deleting Nodes

To delete a node, simply click on the icon


How to Access

From any feature that has sharing enabled, look for the Sharing button.

When you click this button you will get a popup that will provide you with a form to share the resource with people

or view and edit who it is currently shared with

Sharing Button
How to Share

To share with someone, enter their email address into the Email field

Set their access level from the frop down on the right.

  • View - Can only view the resource
  • Edit - Can view and edit the resource
  • Admin - Can view, edit and delete the resource

The access levels you can set will always be equal to or below your own

You cannot share a resource with Edit access if you only have View access

[Optional] - Enter a message that will be sent to the user along with the email notification

Click the Share button to share the resource

Share item
Who can Access

To view who has access to the resource, click the View Access button at the bottom of the popup

This will show you who has access to the resource.

See who can share

From this window you can adjust their access level if you have permissions to do so.

Change who has access

You can also delete the user from the sharing list

To edit the users access level, click the dropdown menu beside their name and adjust accordingly

To delete the user from the sharing list, select Remove from the menu beside their name

Click Save to save any changes made

Remove access