Terms of Use
If you are using the Services on behalf of an organization or entity (“Organization”), then you are agreeing to these Terms on behalf of that Organization and you represent. In that case, "party" “you” and “your” refers to you and that Organization.
You agree to use the service for non-commercial and education purposes only. Duplication, public reproduction, presentation and publication of any data, algorithms or design elements present on this website ("Components") for non commercial and educational purpose can be performed with permission from 48Hour Discovery Inc. ("48HD") and 48HD need to be acknowledged explicitly in any publication, presentation or online website that utilizes these Components.
The use of any data, algorithms, screenshots or design elements by any Party for any commercial purpose, clinical development or development or any product, prototype or service intended for a commercial use is not permitted without prior explicit written and signed agreement between 48HD and the Party.
For further information please contact info@48hourdiscovery.com